Any Facility manager can vouch for the fact that equipment downtime could result in poor service, lost profits, or higher operational costs. That is why it is extremely crucial to streamline each aspect of the maintenance function. But, how can that be achieved? Enter every facility manager’s favourite tool – work order management software. And what exactly does it do?

Well, work order software allows its users to create and receive work order tickets from a mobile device or a desktop. Once an issue is raised, the concerned manager can create a work order for the same, after which a technician will receive a push notification. Once the issue is taken care of, the technician can then update the order with the necessary details. The software will then notify the manager in charge as well as the user who raised the issue. But that’s not all. Work Order Management software hosts a variety of features and functions, which can be customized as per the organization’s needs, those include:

    • Quick conversion of service requests into work orders
    • Easy allocation of assets and labour to work orders
    • Instantly notifies field techs when work orders are assigned
    • Provides real-time status updates and allows completion monitoring
    • Enables Mobile and remote access to work order information
    • Allows Web-based work order requests from 3rd party users
    • Customizable checklist templates based on tasks
    • Allows generation of work order-specific instructions for employees
    • Quick and efficient management of labor, vendor and contractors
    • Seamlessly links work orders to billing information
    • Enables creation and assignment of work orders for future dates
    • Easily tracks historical work orders
    • Quick and accurate report generation to track asset performance

All in all, such software streamlines and controls the work order management processes, eliminating guesswork by doing away with paper requests while creating a traceable history. The usage of such software also enables managers to meet a variety of organizational goals related to improved maintenance service and increased operational efficiency, such as:

Faster turnaround time

An efficient work order system can decrease turnaround times through quicker work completion as greater transparency enables managers to spot and address maintenance-related issues in due time.

Reduced downtime

Poor management of work orders can result in overlapping demands on equipment and labor at times, and could also lead to idle resources otherwise. The ability to clearly and easily manage resources ensures optimum utilization, resulting in decreased downtime.

Increases Asset Lifetime

Work order software allows managers to schedule the use of assets and allocation of resources to maintain load-sharing among all resources. Apart from making the best use of the assets, this prevents the over-use of one particular resource, thereby extending its overall lifetime while reducing any added overhead costs due to wear and tear.

Improved quality control

By using work order software to communicate work orders, the facilities manager can ensure better outcomes as using such platforms greatly increases the likelihood that instructions are clear, easily accessible, received, and executed on time. The tracking tools allow for constant monitoring of key performance areas which provide a mechanism for enforcing adherence to quality standards and increasing employee accountability.

While offering such a wide range of benefits, such CMMS software also allows you to maintain industry benchmarks in maintenance operations. Additionally, it provides valuable means for key decision-makers to analyze completed work to spot process inefficiencies and identify potential improvements, thereby making the overall maintenance process extremely efficient. Ultimately, work order management software accomplishes two major business goals: completing the work quickly and cost-effectively without compromising on quality.