Every company must have a stringent maintenance strategy in place — it holds truer for asset-intensive businesses, for achieving efficiency and higher profits. The maintenance strategy that you employ in the facility will have a tremendous impact on the company’s bottom line. Unfortunately, quite a few maintenance managers have a difficult time choosing the appropriate strategy, or worse, they completely overlook the approach altogether.

It is important to have Enterprise Asset Management software in place while implementing a strategy to track your work and schedule. The three basic types of maintenance strategies are Preventive, Reactive, Reliability-Centered and Predictive Maintenance. Choose the one that works best for the assets in question.

Do not wait until a component fails to take the necessary action to repair or replace it. All assets require periodic maintenance to continue running efficiently, which is why it is critical that you find the appropriate balance of maintenance approaches to minimize asset downtime and repair costs while maintaining a safe environment for workers.

Evaluating Maintenance Strategies to Select the Right Asset Management Model

In today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, companies are faced with the challenge of maintaining their equipment effectively while minimizing downtime and maximizing production.

Choosing the right maintenance strategy is critical to achieving these objectives. This article emphasizes the importance of evaluating maintenance strategies to find the most appropriate asset management model for an organization. Through a data-based approach that uses historical data, criticality assessments and performance indicators, companies can make informed decisions about their maintenance practices.

Key Considerations for Developing a Maintenance Strategy

Developing an effective maintenance strategy requires a focus on comprehensive asset data management. This includes maintaining detailed equipment history, implementing condition monitoring techniques, and effectively tracking work orders. Continuous improvement plays a vital role, with regular evaluations and feedback loops helping refine and optimize strategies.

Technology, particularly computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), can be leveraged to streamline operations and achieve better asset management outcomes. By prioritizing data-driven decision-making and embracing technological advancements, organizations can enhance their maintenance practices and ensure the longevity and reliability of their assets.

Exploring 4 Maintenance Strategies for Improved Asset Management

  1. Reactive Maintenance (RM): Reactive maintenance involves addressing equipment failures as they occur. It is a cost-cutting approach where repairs are performed only when assets break down. While it may seem cost-effective initially, relying solely on reactive maintenance can lead to production delays and increased costs in the long term. It is suitable for non-essential or low-cost equipment where replacement is more feasible than repair.
  2. Preventive Maintenance (PM): Preventive maintenance follows a scheduled plan to proactively service machinery and reduce downtime. By adhering to recommended maintenance intervals, organizations aim to extend the lifespan of their assets. While it can incur the cost of replacing still functional parts, it helps identify and address issues before they result in unplanned downtime. Preventive maintenance is an efficient strategy for preserving medium-priority assets and optimizing repair costs.
  3. Predictive Maintenance (PdM): Predictive maintenance utilizes condition monitoring and machine learning algorithms to predict and prevent equipment failures. It enables real-time identification of potential maintenance concerns, allowing timely interventions to avoid breakdowns or performance degradation. By adopting predictive maintenance, organizations can significantly reduce unplanned downtime, optimize maintenance schedules, and save costs over time. Although it requires an initial technology investment, the return on investment can be quickly realized.
  4. Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM): Reliability-centered maintenance focuses on analyzing potential failure modes and developing tailored plans to ensure the availability of equipment, regardless of criticality. It aims to maximize reliability by understanding the specific needs of each part and implementing maintenance strategies accordingly. Successful implementation of RCM often requires partnering with experienced professionals to ensure effective execution across the organization’s asset network. RCM is a comprehensive approach to maintenance that prioritizes reliability and aims to minimize costly disruptions.

Why Good Maintenance Strategy are Essential for CMMS Software

Even the best CMMS software will mean nothing without good maintenance strategies. That’s because good practice helps amplify your system and brings all kinds of benefits like:

Improved efficiency

When you maintain CMMS software well, it can function at its peak. That way, you can ensure that work orders, preventive maintenance schedules, and asset management tasks all flow seamlessly. This efficiency leads to time-saving spent on administrative tasks and increases overall productivity.


A well-maintained CMMS software provides more accurate and up-to-date information. This will allow your organizations to make better and more informed decisions regarding their maintenance operations. This practice in CMMS software will minimize downtime and reduce costs.


You can avoid potential issues and costs with poor software maintenance by implementing good maintenance strategies. Some problems you can avoid include system crashes, data loss, or security breaches.

These issues can be costly and time-consuming to fix. So, preventing them from occurring can save organizations time and money in the long run.

Top Best Maintenance Strategy for CMMS Software

So what are some of the best practices that maintenance teams and companies as a whole should follow? These are some of the top best practices to help you streamline your operations and maximize your maintenance management software.

Regular Data Backup and Updates

Performing regular data backup is crucial for any maintenance management system. It protects your data from potential loss due to system crashes or hardware failures and ensures your asset management operations’ continuity. Most times, your system will have about any updates from your software provider, which you’ll need to install and verify for functionality.

To practice this, you’ll need to establish a routine maintenance schedule for data backups and store backup files in a secure and reliable environment. Check for updates to the CMMS system so you have access to new features, bug fixes, and improvements in functionality. These enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations.

Routine System Audits

CMMS system will need regular scrubbing and audits like any software or system. Performing routine system audits can help identify any issues or discrepancies in your CMMS software. They help maintain the integrity of your maintenance management system and provide accurate data for decision-making.

These audits should include checking data accuracy, verifying the completion of scheduled maintenance tasks, and ensuring that all work orders have been correctly closed out. It also helps to have someone clean up any rouge data or information that could mess up the workflow.

User Training and Support

CMMS usage is a collective effort. You’ll most likely have multiple staff using the systems. So you’ll need to properly train users on how to use the CMMS system. Your employees should understand how to perform tasks such as inputting data, creating work orders, scheduling maintenance, and generating reports.

One-time training is just the beginning of this practice. Providing support can also help users address any challenges they encounter while using the system. Remember, even free CMMS software requires proper understanding and utilization to deliver its full potential.

Data Validation and Clean-Up

Data validation is another critical practice for any maintenance management software. This practice involves checking the data’s accuracy and completeness. Regularly validating your data can maintain the operation’s reliability and improve data analysis and insights.

Executing this step involves removing any outdated or inaccurate data from the system. Doing this will help prevent confusion or errors from using incorrect data. Regular data clean-up can help keep your maintenance management system efficient and accurate.

Preventive Maintenance

Just as a company needs to perform preventive maintenance on physical assets, it’s equally important for your maintenance management software. This process involves taking proactive measures to avoid potential issues before they occur.

Some practices for preventive maintenance include checking the system for software bugs, monitoring system performance, and resolving any detected issues promptly. All these tasks can help maintain the system’s optimal performance. It’s important to keep this cadence even when the system seems fine, as not all issues are obvious at first glance.

Optimizing System Features

Optimizing system configurations involves finding ways to maximize your current software. There’s a high chance that you aren’t using your CMMS software to its full extent. Accordingly, it’s good to explore and try other features you might not use.

As your business evolves, your maintenance management software should evolve along with it to meet your changing needs. Regularly reviewing and optimizing your features can help ensure that you get the most out of your current system.

Integration and Compatibility Checks

CMMS software often needs to integrate with other systems in your organization, such as the top property management software, ERP systems, accounting software, or IoT devices. Ensuring seamless integration is crucial to your operations as automated tasks continue running for your maintenance processes.

Regularly perform integration and compatibility checks to ensure all systems work together without any conflicts. Do internal test runs to see that all your integrations work well. If you have a custom API set up for your maintenance management software, work with your tech team to refresh any key codes and links.

If you’re introducing a new system or updating an existing one, conduct compatibility checks to ensure it works seamlessly with your maintenance management software. This practice can help prevent system conflicts, data inconsistencies, and other potential issues that could disrupt your maintenance operations.

NEXGEN CMMS Bring Better Asset Management and Operations

Proper maintenance of your maintenance management software is an integral part of ensuring optimal asset management and seamless maintenance operations. NEXGEN CMMS software provides the tools necessary for efficient maintenance management, its success hinges on how well you and your maintain the system.

These practices will help your organization avoid potential pitfalls such as data loss, system crashes, or inefficiencies in operations. This way, you can have full confidence in your system and keep operating your asset management and maintenance.

These best practices are there to maintain the status quo and continually improve and adapt your maintenance management system to fit your evolving business needs. With the right maintenance strategy, NEXGEN CMMS software can continue to be a powerful asset in your organization’s maintenance strategy, offering significant benefits for years to come.